
Never run out of water again

Enabling tank owners and wider communities to better manage water usage through easy to use, reliable water tank monitoring and predictive data.

TankView helps you intelligently manage your family's water consumption. Rest easy knowing that you won't be caught short. We'll help you maximise the water in your tank and, if you need more, we'll help with that too.

We know that pain of discovering the tank's run dry, and when we looked for smarter solutions than tapping on the side of the water tank, we didn’t find anything that made sense to the way we all live. Our team of smart sensor technology experts put our 120+ years of experience to building the ideal solution. We call it TankView.

TankView connects to any water tank. Our intuitive app displays your water levels, your water usage, and even shows how long your current water supply will last you. When you’re running low, TankView alerts you with plenty of advance notice to book in with your supplier.

TankView is solar powered, and doesn’t require any wifi connection or additional devices. You can be anywhere in the world and know exactly how much water you have, even if your house is locked up powered off.

Intelligently monitor your tank, wherever you are.

Tankview for

Enable your community to better manage their water.

No more emergency orders, happier clients, faster payment.

Proud to be associated with

Aqua logo
Hard Yards logo
Engineers without Borders NZ logo
NZ Foreign Affairs and Trade logo
IoT Taranaki Ltd logo
Northland Regional Council logo
IoT Ventures logo